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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La soumission n'a pas déjà été publiée, et elle n'est pas considérée actuellement par une autre revue (ou une explication a été fournie dans Commentaires à l'éditeur).
  • Le texte se conforme aux exigences stylistiques et bibliographiques décrites dans Directives aux auteurs, qui se trouve dans « À propos de la revue ».

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

Authors can submit their manuscripts and all associated word files and track the progress of their manuscript throughout the peer review process.

Authors will receive e-mail notifications at key stages of the process.

The submitted papers should not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere.

Manuscripts will be revised by three senior reviewers. Authors will generally be notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision within 8 weeks. For proof corrections, PDF files will be sent to the corresponding author only and should be returned to the Publisher within 7 days of receipt. The corresponding author will receive a PDF "reprint" of final article.


  • Each manuscript must be accompanied by a cover letter that briefly describes how the work was carried out in the field, the questions and/or hypotheses addressed in the manuscript, and explain why the enclosed work is of general interest to scientists worldwide.
  • Authors are also asked to submit the names and contacts of 3 potential reviewers.
  • Manuscript must be written in French, English, Spanish or Arabic and should be double spaced throughout the manuscript (Calibri font, 10 points).
  • Manuscript with tables and figures must be submitted online (Only Word files) for review purposes. Make sure figure legends appear below each figure and tables legends after tables, and written in French and English, Spanish and English.
  • Manuscript must follow the format of the standard article following the link: (Template En.)
  • Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout (Table 1 / Fig. 1).
  • Units: Use SI Units, e.g. µg.min-1.

Manuscript Presentation

The manuscript should be arranged as follows:

  • First page should contain full title, English title for papers written in French, authors names (without initials), their addresses, e-mails and complete address of their institutions
  • Page two contains the abstract (no more than 250 words) and up to six keywords useful for indexing.
  • The papers written in French should include a long synthetic summary in English with references to figures and tables.
  • Acknowledgements before Reference list.
  • Reference list: see specifications below.

The titles of the main sections should be written in capital letters (Calibri font, 10 points, bold, spacing of 3 points before and after each paragraph) with dialing 1. The titles of subsections are presented lowercase letters (except the first letter capitalized) with Calibri font 10 points (3 points space before and after each paragraph), in bold and numbered (1.1). Subsequently, the titles are presented in followed dialing (1.1.1).


In the text, references must include the name of author followed by the year of publication. Examples are given hereafter: (Mathavan, 1976), According to Smith (2002), (Britton and al., 1993 ; Dumas, 2011 ; Gélinas and Pinel-Alloul, 2011).

In the Reference list, the names of journals should be abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals and italicized. References should be conformed to:


BAILEY S.E., OLIN T.J., BRICKA R.M., ADRIAN D.D. (1999). A review of potentially low-cost sorbents for heavy metals. Water Res., 33, 2469-2479.


HYNES H.B.N. (1970).The ecology of running waters, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 555 p.


BERTUCCI J.J., SEDITA S.J. (1992). Microbiology of sludge.In: Municipal sewage sludge management: processing, utilization and disposal. LUE-HING C., D.R. ZENZ and T. KUCHENRITHER (Editors), Water Quality Management Library, Vol. 4, Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA, États-Unis, Chap. 4, pp. 139-179.

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