
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not already been published, and it is not currently under consideration by another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to Editor).
  • The submission file is in an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where possible, reference URLs have been provided.
  • The text conforms to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for authors, which can be found in “About the magazine”.

Author Guidelines

Publication conditions


  • The inclusion of the article in the publication is contingent upon the author registering on the dedicated page of the journal.
  • The submission of articles is free of charge.
  • For teacher-researchers and doctoral students, registration must be done using the institutional email, for instance, (
  • Personal information, including first name, last name, academic affiliation, and CV, must be presented in Arabic, English, or French.
  • All bibliographic data, comprising the abstract, title, and keywords, should be included in the language of the article as well as in English.
  • The abstract should be limited to 100 words, not surpassing this length.
  • The author must include the bibliography in the designated space when submitting the article, adhering to the APA style.
  • Submissions of articles are accepted in Arabic, Amazigh, French, or English.
  • Any submission that deviates from the format specified by the journal will be rejected.
  • To ensure adherence, you may download the template.
  • The submission of the article must be in the WORD file format.

Bibliographic references

  • The documentation of references should adhere to APA guidelines, whether it is within the text or in the reference list.
  • The bibliographic references and the reference list are automatically generated using one of the designated software programs (WORD / Mendeley, etc.).

Submission and Evaluation Requirements

  • The journal publishes original research that adheres to standards in information methodology, investigation, and scientific research, with a focus on recent developments related to the subject.
  • The research should not have been previously submitted for publication in another journal, regardless of whether it was accepted or not.
  • Latin names are transcribed into Arabic and Latin letters in parentheses from their first mention in the text.
  • The articles should not surpass 7,000 words, encompassing abstracts, tables, and references.
  • The editorial committee oversees the article to evaluate the author's adherence to the publication conditions set forth in the journal.
  • The identity of the author and reviewers remains confidential to both parties.
  • The article is presented to reviewers who are selected with care, in a confidential manner, to evaluate its originality.
  • The editorial board of the journal notifies researchers that they will receive feedback on their research within two weeks. The decision of the scientific committee, whether to publish or not, is conveyed to them within three months.
  • The articles undergo an assessment to detect any form of plagiarism.


Articles which fall within the thematic file of the journal.


Theoretical articles


Studies of an empirical nature




Translation of articles

Privacy Statement

Personal data, including the full name of the author or reader, their email, and phone number, are exclusively used by the journal for academic purposes in line with the foundational principles of the journal.