Security Dimension of Regional Integration in the Maghreb: A Critical Analysis


  • MOHAMMED LEMOUDEN Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences Souissi - Mohammed V University


Despite facing transnational and evolving security threats emanating from the inner states and neighboring regions, the Maghreb countries tend to prefer national security policies and alliances with extra-regional powers and organizations. However, many scholars assume that long-term peace and security maintenance relies on the role of regional organizations to which threatened states may adhere to foster cooperation and adopt joint security strategies. By discussing the existing link between regional organizations and security from a theoretical perspective, this paper aims to explain what deprives Maghreb countries of creating an effective regional organization.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

MOHAMMED LEMOUDEN, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences Souissi - Mohammed V University

PhD candidate Laboratory of Legal and Political Studies and Research - Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences Souissi - Mohammed V University






Droit Public et Sciences Politiques