SARS-CoV-2 virus genome structure and evolution


  • Chaimae SAMTAL Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz, USMBA, Fes, Morocco
  • Nihal HABIB Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
  • Abdellah IDRISSI AZAMI Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
  • Sofia SEHLI Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
  • Bouchra CHAOUNI Faculty of Sciences of Rabat, Rabat, Morocc
  • Mohamed BEKKALI Department of Genetics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, Spain
  • Hicham BEKKARI Faculty of Sciences Dhar El Mehraz, USMBA, Fes, Morocco
  • Salsabil HAMDI Environmental Health Laboratory Instiutt Pasteur du Maroc, Casablanca, Morocco
  • Lahcen WAKRIM Virology Unit, Immunovirology Laboratory, Institut Pasteur du Maroc, Casablanca, Morocco.
  • Najib Al IDRISSI School of Medicine, University Mohamed VI for Health Sciences, Casablanca, Morocco
  • Hassan GHAZAL Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Rabat, Morocco



SARS-Cov-2, coronavirus phylogeny, alignment, ACE2


Late December 2019, a new virus outbreak was detected in Wuhan, Hubei province China and later spread all over the world.The virus is a new strain of the β-Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) with a single strand positive sense RNA, and a genome size of 29,890 kb that codes for 9744 amino acids. Not many mutations are depicted in the SARS-CoV-2 genome, However, most of them are detected in the ORF8 regionand the spike. The latter exhibits higher affinity with the Human ACE2 receptor than the SARS-CoV.Alignment of SARS-CoV-2 genome with other Corona viruses shows a high similarity to the Bat-CoV,but this latter was not enough to conclude that the Bat is the origin of the Human SARS-CoV-2. This review aimed to provide an overview of the viral genome structure and its origin.


