About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Moroccan Journal of Public Health (MJPH) is created and managed by the Institut Pasteur du Maroc, Morocco. This is a multidisciplinary journal in the field of public health, publishing contributions on the whole spectrum of public health, from health, epidemiology, social medicine, health services, health and medical research, health management, ethics and law, health economics, to environmental health. The journal provides a forum for exchange and discussion of current public health issues. Papers reporting findings from any region of the world are welcome. In the short term, there will be 2 annual issues publishing refereed, original scientific articles, policy articles, reviews on theoretical and practical aspects, editorials, commentaries, book reviews, news and letters, and announcements. The primary objective of the MJPH is to provide researchers, academics, health professionals, health managers public health decision makers with a platform for exchange and sharing of information and topics related to various challenges and issues related to public health.  Our main criteria for grading manuscripts are scientific originality and impact, as well as relevance to public health practice. 


MJPH follows the recommendations proposed by WAME Recommendations on Publication Ethics Policies for Medical Journals see the link (https://wame.org/recommendations-on-publication-ethics-policies-for-medical-journals).

Peer Review Process

  • All members of the Editorial Board and referees are asked to declare any competing interests they may have in reviewing a manuscript.
  • After submission of paper, Editorial Board will immediately examine if the paper respect the scientific standard of MJPH.
  • Articles accepted by the Editorial Board will be sent to a 2 referees.
  • Papers not succeeding to reach the scientific standards of the journal may be declined without further review.
  • To give a rapid evaluation of the paper, authors have to suggest two potential reviewers experts in the field.
  • Concerning articles that need revision, only the revised version can be considered for a further appraisal under the peer-review system.
  • The Editorial Board in chief is responsible for the final selection of referees to conduct the peer-review process.
  • Referees won’t be informed about the identity of the authors whose articles are subject to review.
  • The names of referees will be anonymous to authors.
  • Authors are invited to appeal to the Editorial Office, if they are not contented by the editorial decision about their manuscript. Editorial Board will be requested a second opinion.

Official Language and publication frequency

Articles must be written in English and submitted online. As a general rule, accepted articles will be posted online within 3 weeks.

 The MJPH publishes at its launch two issues a year and special issues. 


Publication in this journal is for free. No fees are required.


All articles submitted to our journal are checked for plagiarism by using online available tools.

Self-plagiarism is not considered in the same way as plagiarism of the ideas and words of other individuals.

Authors submitting papers to our journals are required to adopt these policies.