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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La soumission n'a pas déjà été publiée, et elle n'est pas considérée actuellement par une autre revue (ou une explication a été fournie dans Commentaires au rédacteur).
  • Le texte se conforme aux exigences stylistiques et bibliographiques décrites dans Directives aux auteurs, qui se trouve dans « À propos de la revue ».

Author Guidelines

In order to unify the shape of the articles submitted to the journal, authors must respect the following rules and conditions:

The journal publishes original articles that have not been subject to prior publication in whole or in part unless there is the consent of the first editor.

The article should be typed between 3000 and 5000 words, including bibliography, tables and graphs, in a half-spaced with margins of 35 mm and printed single-sided on A4 paper (210x297 mm²). The text must be written in Times New Roman font, size 13, and 12 at the bottom of page notes.

Titles must be short, clearly defined, in bold, placed on the left and numbered as follows: 1st title: 1; 2nd title: 1.1; 3rd title: 1.1.1; 4th title:

The title page will only include in the order the title of the article, the name and surname of the author, its functions and complete coordinates.

The second page will include the title of the article, the summary and keywords in three languages of the journal (Arabic, French and English), and JEL classification.

The summary should not exceed 150 words, and keywords should be between three and five words.

Footnotes will have the continuous numbering starting on each page and cannot use of bibliographic references.

In the text, references appear in brackets with the name and year of publication, example (Hassani, 1996) and is added to the page if necessary (Hassani, 1996, p.112).

The author reference(s) who posted more than once in the same year must be identified chronologically by a letter following the year, example (1998a, 1998b).

The bibliography contains only the works cited in the article body. References should be presented in alphabetical order of the first author. Each statement must be complete and accurate as the models presented below:

Journal Articles

Barney, J., (1991), "Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage." Journal of management, 17(1), pp.99-120.

Whole books

Hull, J. (2009), "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives. ", Pearson Education International, 7ème  Edition.

Parts thereof

DE CLERCQ, D. and S. MANIGART (2007), " The venture capital post-investment phase : opening the black box of involvement ", In Landström, H.  (ed.), Handbook of Research on Venture Capital, Cheltenham, R.-U., Edward Elgar, p. 193-218.

Papers presented at conferences

Bardach, J. E. (1982),  "Food and Energy Problems of Third World Cities". Paper presented at the Conference on Urbanization and National Development (21-23 January 1982). East-West Center. Honolulu (Hawaii). US 20 p.


Bruyat, C. (1993), "Création d'entreprise: contributions épistémologiques et modélisation", Doctoral dissertation, Université Pierre Mendès-France-Grenoble II.


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD)( 2009), "  Pôles et compétitivité, innovation et entrepreneuriat". Édité par Jonathan Potter et Gabriela Miranda. 264 pages.

Electronic texts

Stiglitz, J. (access date: August 07, 2001). What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis. the Insider. [online]. URL:

Schemes, Charts, figures and Tables

Figures and tables are numbered in Arabic numerals continuously. The source is indicated below.

Note: when authors would like to refer to one or more of their papers, it is important to preserve anonymity during the evaluation process. Also, the main body of the paper should not include any identifying information( such as the names or affiliation of the paper authors and any acknowledgements).

ý The views and opinions expressed in the International Review of Entrepreneurial Finance are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editorial Team.

ý Articles submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted to any other publication.

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Les noms et courriels saisis dans le site de cette revue seront utilisés exclusivement aux fins indiquées par cette revue et ne serviront à aucune autre fin, ni à toute autre partie.