In Tanzania, the increase in the number of commercial motorcycles operating in the urban areas has resulted to the establishment of informal parking spaces in various parts of towns and cities. This research aimed to explore the criteria used by commercial motorcycle operators to establish informal motorcycle parking spaces in urban areas. The study on the influence of land use on the spatial distribution of informal motorcycle parking spaces applied triangulation techniques to ensure the validity and reliability of the collected data. Different methods of data collection were used to collect data and also different sources of data were used to get the data needed to answer the research questions. Both primary and secondary data collection methods were employed in the process of data collection. Structured interviews were used to collect primary data from motorcycle operators or drivers in each ward. The data about motorcycle operation, access to spaces, parking management, and criteria for selecting an area for motorcycles were collected through structured interviews. Structured interviews allowed the collection of statistical data and opinions of motorcyclists on their daily operations of motorcycles. An interview with motorcyclists indicated that despite the existing motorcycle parking spaces that were not formally planned in town planning drawings; still, they have some criteria that are used before deciding to locate a motorcycle parking space. About 59 of respondents, which is equivalent to 98.3%, argued that places with high movement of people are the main criteria for locating informal motorcycle parking followed by availability of spaces 81.6%, presence of commercial activities 76.6%, and accessibility to parking space which accounted to 33.3%. The study concludes that informal criteria used by a motorcyclist to establish informal motorcycle parking spaces aim to establish parking at strategic locations.
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